
Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Small Business

Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Small Business
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LinkedIn Tips for Better Small Business Growth

LinkedIn now has over 200 million global members within its community (see source). Most of those members are professionals with skills that can help you to expand your business (or get you a job), and there’s a number of different ways you can make that happen.

I’ve had a LinkedIn account for years, but always thought of it as being too “niche-y” or one-dimensional. I’ve also heard more than a few people over the years liken the site to an “old boys club of professionals”, who enjoy the idea of having a grandiose profile posted about themselves or their business, but never actually interact with anyone whom they don’t know.

However, times-are-a-changing, and I promise to update my profile tout de suite! I hope some of the information and resources I’m about to share will prompt you to do the same.

Meet Josh Turner the “B2B Marketing Expert Specializing In LinkedIn”

Josh Turner has made a (so far) short-lived, but exciting career out of helping to teach business owners, consultants, marketing professionals, and employment prospects how to use the professional social networking site to their advantage.

I’m going to drop a link to both his sites, but I warn you to turn your speakers down first. No matter how ingenious some people are, there are a few site owners who still think it’s cool to hammer you with a full-volume, auto-play video or audio clip when you first enter their site. Here’s the link (non-affiliate) to Linked University, and it’s sister company Linked Selling.

Turner suggests that you do all the preliminary stuff if you haven’t yet already: filling in your profile, uploading a picture or two, adding a csv of your emails to find contacts you know who have a profile (or give LinkedIn access to your professional email account and they’ll suggest people for you):

“Then you should get involved in the groups — industry groups, subject matter you’re interested in, and especially where your prospects are hanging out. Being in groups where prospects hang out is what you need to focus on,” Turner tells us. (You can read the entire interview here at Huffington Post.)

He emphasizes that one of the worst mistakes business owners make is to limit themselves to a singular group of interest, such as Finance for a payday loan company owner, or Automotive groups for a car dealer. Turner suggests joining a variety of groups that you have genuine interest in, while also continually striving to locate where your targets spend their time.

Other Great Sources to Check Out

Editor’s note: Here are some useful insights from Chris Prillo, Founder/CEO of Locker Genome, LLC.

Tracy Gold has written some really informative articles about using LinkedIn to find prospects. This article really hits on some great points about writing headlines, creating summaries, and how to maximize your profile to look as professional as possible to the people you want to hire.

I also want you to read this one (twice). Alesia Krush explores several resources and methods you can use LinkedIn to advance your business with, and connect with people who have the influence to help you push special events and marketing promotions.

I’ll be bringing you more methods and resources about this topic in future posts. I really think 2014 is LinkedIn’s big year. Get on the band-wagon before other business owners leave you in their dust!

Photo credit: tychay

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