
10 Tips for Managing People Instead of Your Business

10 Tips for Managing People Instead of Your Business
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According to management experts, the first step in creating a successful business is to change your mind set. If you have people in your employ, you must understand that you are not managing a business, you are managing people. When you learn how to relate to the people you lead, business success will naturally follow. Here are 10 tips for managing your employees effectively.

business success
photo credit: ffaalumni

1.You’re a Leader

When you are given the task of managing people, you’ve got to get the word “manager” out of your mind. Replace it with a new word: leader. Leaders motivate and inspire people, managers shell out discipline and criticism.

2.Lose the Ego

You put your pants on this morning one leg at a time; so did everyone else. The mere fact that you were selected to manage people did not make you instantly better; it simply gave you more responsibility. Lose the ego and pick up the humor. Great managers don’t take themselves too seriously.

3.Treat Them Equally

The well-loved managers are those that treat everyone equally. You may need to assign different tasks to different people, but you don’t need to treat one person better than someone else. Each person under you has a life outside of work, emotions, and problems.

4.Make Plans

No one likes to be kept in the dark. Great business managers are those that have clearly laid-out plans. Make daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and share those goals with the people working for you. People work more productively when they have goals to meet.

5.Don’t Get Stale

While you shouldn’t change at the drop of a dime, you shouldn’t be satisfied continuously doing things in the same manner. Stay abreast of the latest trends in business, learn new technologies, and always look for ways that you can lead your team better.

photo credit: University of Salford Press


Everyone has had a boss who didn’t communicate, and everyone knows how frustrating that situation is. Don’t be that boss. Tell your employees exactly how you like to communicate, when you prefer to communicate, and when they can expect answers to their questions.

7.Make a Decision

You were put in the role of a manager for a reason; don’t let your people down. When it comes time to make a decision, make it. People respect managers who can make a decision and stand by it. If someone presents a better solution to a problem or an answer that makes more sense, acknowledge it and embrace it.

8.Lay Out Your Expectations

Do you want something done a certain way? If so, you better make your expectations clear. You should never leave your employees questioning what it is that you want done, or how you expect it to get done.

9.Focus on Solutions

Even if you are a leader, you’re still part of a team. If mistakes are made or problems arise, focus on the solution. Never point the finger of blame unless you are pointing it at yourself. People naturally gravitate towards people who are solutions oriented.


Remember that each person working for you is an individual. People have different motivators, and it’s up to you to discover what those are. While giving John an extra day off may work for him, you may need to only give Jane a smile and a “thank you.”

You will never find success in business if you don’t know how to lead people. When you become a leader instead of a manager, your employees will lift you to success before you even know that it’s happened. Lead instead of manage and you gain the respect of each person you come in contact with.

About the Author: Brett Harris is a business owner and blogger. He knows the importance of getting educated in business management and recommends checking out an online business management degree.

Cover photo credit: Andrew Magill

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