
Effectively Using Signs and Banners for Your Small Business

Effectively Using Signs and Banners for Your Small Business
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It is all well and good to have different signs and banners for your business, but they really work the best when they are used effectively. Believe it or not, just placing your sign in any place that you want, will not necessarily nab you the customers that you need. There is actually a lot of thought that should go into the display that you make for your business or event. There are 3 key takeaways that you should consider when making your sign: location, variety, and design. By taking the time to carefully consider each of these things, you should hopefully be able to more effectively use your banners.

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You may have heard that with businesses, “location, location, location,” is what’s important. This is also true for any advertising that you choose to use for your business or event. What good will a banner do you if it is hung where no one can see it or read it? You will want to place your signs where the most people can see it. If you are using it inside your business, putting it in the window might work. If you are advertising elsewhere, you will really want to consider carefully how many people will see it every day. A banner in the right location where it can be easily seen is more likely to draw in potential customers than a banner in an obscure location.


If you are using advertisements around your business throughout the year, sometimes variety is key. You should have enough ads that you can rotate them over time. This helps to keep your business looking fluid. You might even consider having different sets of advertisements that have a different look or different theme. If you keep the same banners up all the time, any returning customers are bound to notice sooner or later. Having a variety of signs to use might just indicate a higher level of care and involvement with your business and customers.

photo credit: Huw


The look of your advertisements is also very important. If you own your own business or are running a unique event, then customly designing signs and banners is a must. Careful consideration should be given to background color and font color, as well as font style. Remember that with banners and advertising, less is usually more. Effectively use the space on your banner without crowding it or making it too busy. Keep it simple. You get to use your imagination when creating your own sign, but try to keep it concise.

Effectively using your business sign or banner can be pretty simple and straightforward. You just need to pay attention to how you are using them. 3 things to keep in mind are location, variety, and design. Location will help your banner be seen by more customers, variety will show that you care about your business and customers, and the design is what should ultimately catch the eyes of potential customers. When creating your own unique banner or ad, take your time and really consider the 3 areas above. In the end, they should hopefully lead you to a more effective way of advertising your business or event.

Cover photo credit: Frank Kovalchek

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