
Social Media: A Valuable Marketing Tool for your Business

Social Media: A Valuable Marketing Tool for your Business
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The basic premise of marketing, is to endorse and sell the product or service the business in question is providing and ultimately, in an era where almost every line of work involves using technology, Social Media is proving to be a highly effective means of promotion – particularly in business.

So, in this time of technological development what are some of the Social Media platforms you can utilise?

Social media apps
photo credit: Jason Howie / Flickr

The Big Three

There are many, many different Social Media sites and types with billions of users from across the planet, the most well-known though are often suggested to be:

Facebook the most renowned site globally, with billions of daily users it is no surprise that this is such a useful means of promoting your business. Originally a means for University students to network, you can now host profiles for your business allowing people to ‘like’ and share it with others – thus making more people aware of what you offer. Also due to its popularity there are many other businesses using this as a means of promotion for you to network with.

Their active acquisitions of emerging startups means that Facebook is now a global hub of everything social, making it an excellent marketing tool for your business.

Facebook acquisition history infographic

Source: Villanova Online MBA Program

Google+ initially set up by Google to rival Facebook, Google+ has quickly established itself as perhaps the best platform for your business promotion due to its more marketing orientated style. There are less users but that is in turn a benefit as there is less competition out there and more genuine profiles – rather than spam sites. Also if your business is involved with SEO then your site’s Google rankings will improve the more popular your profile-page becomes – one example of how effective this methodology has proved to be is how VCARS has managed to use Google+ as a successful marketing tool.

Twitter is another hugely popular platform, mainly due to its quick and straightforward setup. Again, you will have your business profile for others to ‘follow’ and ‘share’ and despite being limited to 140 characters per ‘tweet’ it means you have to be concise and it makes your information easier to digest. The aim is for users to start ‘retweeting’ your information so it will be shared by more and more people, getting your business name out there. Further to this you can set up ‘time-released tweets’ to send out product information at a time that best suits you or to simply fall in line with time zones international markets.

Whichever platform(s) you choose you will quickly reap the benefits of it; so a final piece of advice would be to use as many as possible and get your business viral and in-line with modern marketing.

Cover photo credit: mkhmarketing

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