
4 Things You Need for Every Business Presentation

4 Things You Need for Every Business Presentation
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Business presentations can be stressful because you need to make a good impression on your boss, colleagues, clients—or even all three at once. Fortunately, you can find many tactics for easing your mind and giving a great presentation. The best confidence booster is to prepare yourself with the proper tools. Here are four must-have items for your presentation toolkit.


While some people can retain information simply by listening, most of us are visual creatures. That means your audience needs something tangible they can look at to connect meaning to your words.

Whether you’re interviewing for a job or pitching a new idea, it’s important to bring samples of your work You can print out copies for each person in the meeting—which has the added bonus of letting them take notes on their handouts—or you can use an easel or blackboard to display a single large copy of your sample for everyone to see.


Keeping track of all your papers can be a nightmare, especially if you’re rushing to a short-notice meeting. You may have handouts for your audience, speaking notes for yourself, and a variety of other assorted papers that you need to make the presentation work. It may sound simple, but folders are a solution to this problem. Here’s why:

  • Folders with pockets can organize all of your documents.
  • Branded folders help to promote your company’s identity.
  • Uniquely shaped folders or ones made of unusual paper stock will make your presentation more memorable.

Online presentation slides

Online presentation

Let’s face it, whiteboards and easels are an outdated way to present information. Slideshows are much better visual aids, because they allow so many design options to help you present information effectively. The key is to create slideshows using an online tool. This makes your presentation accessible at all times, rather than limiting you to using a specific computer or carrying around a flash drive.

There are plenty of free online presentation programs you can use, which are all designed to meet different needs. Some tools specialize in creating graphs, some are meant for sales, and some allow more creative design and layout options. A few popular tools are Prezi, Canva, or Slides.

Business Card

It’s a good practice to carry business cards all the time, because you never know who you’re going to meet. That goes double when you’re giving a presentation. Chances are that someone new will be in the room—whether it’s a new client, a representative you haven’t worked with yet, or even a colleague at your own company whose path you’ve never crossed. Even if you know everyone in the room, they may want to carry on the conversation or have questions later. A business card ensures that they’ll have a way to reach you.

Although it can be a little scary at first, giving a business presentation will be a breeze once you’ve invested in the proper tools. You’ll be well-prepared and able to handle anything that comes your way.

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