5 Ways for Freelance Graphic Designers to Find Work
So you’ve taken the brave step of becoming a freelance graphic designer: now all you have to do is find enough work to keep food on the table. Struggling to get your first gig? You’re not alone. Only the luckiest of designers get a break from an ex-client. Most have to start from scratch. In…

6 Clients That Freelance Designers Should Avoid
Thinking of ditching the full-time job in design and taking the freelance option? Freelancers all over the world encounter exactly the same problems with clients; some are great, but some can seriously affect your earning potential. If you’re ready to ditch the day job, here are some perils to watch out for. 1. The Client…

The Life of a Freelance Writer: A Sneak Peek
Want to take a peek of a freelance writer’s mind? Allie Samborn shares her thoughts on her life as a freelance writer. Having a talent for writing seems to be more in demand with the start-up of blogs and web-based businesses, yet jobs seem to be rarer each day.  Writing online content can be a…