
Reasons Why Buying Followers Online is a Terrible Idea

Reasons Why Buying Followers Online is a Terrible Idea
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It is not easy building an army of followers on Twitter or Facebook, however you need a high number to show that your business is doing well. It is also easy for many people to read your posts if these followers start sharing. Therefore, the idea of buying followers could be tempting as since you can’t convince people to like what you posted, you might pay some firms to help you boost the number of followers instead.

Although most of them can deliver, it is still not a good idea to buy followers. You are only fooling yourself in doing so. These are other reasons why you need to build organic followers instead of buying them.

There is no engagement

Usually, these followers are fake accounts created by the firms that promised you that they would increase your followers. They are not real people who will leave comments, share your posts and interact with each other and the low engagement doesn’t help your business in any way. It’s like sharing information to a hundred mannequins, as even if there seems to be a lot in quantity they’re not doing anything to boost your popularity and grow your business.

You could lose your integrity

When other followers realise that you bought fake followers to increase your popularity or have the illusion that you have lots of followers, you might lose your integrity. People won’t believe whatever you say because you tried to cheat your way to success. They will also know it because they’ll see that there’s no one on interacting with your page, despite having thousands of followers.

It is a waste of money

You run your business with limited finances and therefore, you need to be smart in determining how to use your money. If you use it on something that doesn’t result in something you expect, it is a waste. Buying followers doesn’t increase engagement in social media, doesn’t increase conversion rate and it does nothing to improve your online popularity. If anything, it gives an illusion that you are doing well when in reality, you’re not.

Social media marketing ROI

You are only cheating yourself

There are things we buy that we know are terrible for us, yet we keep justifying our decision; the same thing applies when buying followers online. You know that it does nothing to help you, but you justify your choice by saying that it makes you feel like people appreciate your page. Instead of creating a marketing plan based on reality, you are giving yourself a false sense of security.

If you wish to use your money wisely, you need to invest in a pop up banner or exhibition display stands. Yes you might spend a lot to print the banners, but you can put them up for many people to see. If you want local audiences to know about your business or at least have an idea what it is, you can use banners. You are also naturally building the popularity of your company instead of finding a shortcut.

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